What is a CHEK Practitioner?

CHEK Practitioners are not your average PT/Coach
C.H.E.K Practitioners are specialists in Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology, developed by Paul Chek. We are trained in comprehensive assessment techniques and individualized application of exercise and exercise programs. The higher the level completed, the more practical knowledge and experience they will have, particularly in complex orthopedic conditions. As CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coaches, we are also specialists in wellness, stress management and lifestyle coaching.
Root Cause Problem Solving
“The main thing that everybody does is treat the symptom as is and where it is. Most pain and injuries are chronic and repetitive. If the body is out of balance, it's like having a car with the front end out of alignment. If you don’t know enough about cars to recognize the front end is out of alignment, then you will notice the front tires are wearing out. Most people just get new tires without addressing the misalignment, and this leads to a lot of wasted time and money buying new tires” - Paul Chek.
It is important to assess the body from a causative point of view rather than address the problem from the point of pain or injury, and that is what we do. This is to ensure that the problem does not reoccur and the individual can continue on their path to excelling.

Unequivocal Assessments Guide the Way
We do not only work with individuals suffering existing injuries, pain or health roadblocks. We work with anyone who has a goal and prioritize their programs to include high level assessments so as to prevent injury and provide the quickest results.
The CHEK program has the most complete assessment system in the world of fitness and wellness. We assess posture, length tension relationships, perform movement screening, biomechanics, lymphatic system, neuromuscular system, breathing, vagus nerve visceral-somatic reflexes, nutritional and lifestyle screening, hormonal, emotional and spiritual factors. In all cases we do this in order to find the priorities in providing the optimal approach to health and wellbeing.
This gives us an approach called “surrounding the dragon”. If we can identify what the problem is then we have a way of strategizing and hitting the problem from multiple angles, rather than just using one tool or one system. "No system in the body works alone, no system gets sick alone, no system heals alone." - Dr. Perry Nickelston